Thursday, June 18, 2009

First Swim Meet!

Today I swam two races in the Utah Games. This is the first time I have ever participated in a swim race. In addition to a million odds against me (I've been practicing swimming on the 25 meter length thinking it was the 50 meter length lanes!) Today the pre-race training was a half hour of RULES! Good grief! I didn't know there were so many rules! Oh, and did I mention I have NEVER use the blocks to dive into the pool to race. The warm up time was when I thought I could practice diving in off the blocks. Well, they warm up for about 30 minutes and then let everyone dive for about 10 minutes. I was able to dive two time! The first time my goggles flew off! The second time I was advised to tuck my chin, which I did, but I went way deep! So when the race began it was my third time in all my life diving off the blocks. I made it without loosing my goggles and was "so-so" for depth. However, just before lining up for the race, this 82 year old man name Robert asked where I was from. When I told him I was from Las Vegas, Nevada, he asked if I spend the night. I told him I just arrived in town about 30 minutes before. He shook his head and asked the elavation. Did you know that if you move more than 1,000 feet in altitude, you should spend the night to climatize!
But I won one gold and one silver!

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